New Patch | List of Changes

New Patch | List of Changes

Install Night Owl App on Windows 10 (Laptop & Computer)


Night Owl Protect team has released an update for its popular video camera app. With this update, users can now get more out of their Night Owl experience than ever before. Here’s a look at the changes, fixes and new features that come with this update:

  • Improved image quality: The Night Owl team has improved the image quality of the app’s live streaming feature. Now you can get clearer visuals than ever before when viewing your videos in real time.
  • Faster loading times: The team has also worked to reduce loading times for the app’s various features. Users can now access their favorite features faster than before and get the most out of their Night Owl experience without having to wait long periods of time for loading to finish.
  • New night mode: A new night mode has been added to the app, allowing users to capture stunning low-light shots with minimal noise or distortion. This feature is perfect for shooting in dark environments or capturing night scenes without having to worry about image quality being affected due to low light conditions.